2021: albums of the year
And a big year for albums, it seems

Loraine James – Reflection
I for sure slept on this one, thinking maybe that “Running Like That” was worth getting as a single … and then it turns out that the album itself, taken as a whole, is a borderline perfect object.

Danny Clay – Ocean Park
I listened to this over and over and over again in the winter, which is probably all that needs to be said.

Space Afrika – Honest Labour
Calling this “the new Burial” does not give Space Afrika enough credit for their craft and touch with speech, space, and personality.

Jana Rush – Painful Enlightenment
I would not have thought footwork would become a shockingly personal / emotional / intimate genre, but, well, here’s Jana Rush.

Zack Nestel-Patt – at the hour of closing
Zack does it again, in, even better, a totally different way from his previous album. That’s all double bass, even the magical high notes.

Sofia Kourtesis – Fresia Magdalena
Pitch perfect, unassuming, delightful, colorful, and sincere. 2020s house music? It’ll more than do for now
Honorable mentions to the sophistication and freedom and romance of Floating Points – Promises, BOOF’s Rebirth of Gerberdaisy, Anz’s spectacular All Hours, foodman – Yasuragi Land, Colleen – The Tunnel and the Clearing, and the summary wonder of Gallo Music’s From Marabi to Disco