Heh. At any rate, my MA thesis is done and both the PDF and a human-readable summary of it are here. Thanks to, of course,…
So I went to SMC / ICMC in Athens. This was the fortieth International Computer Music Conference, which is sort of a mind-blowing concept, and…
– I submitted my thesis! Doves and fireworks! For all of you who are gushing to read it, the final version won’t be ready until…
Grad school is sometimes about doing ridiculous things. One of the ridiculous things that I’ve done was to download all the text and and all…
Ryan Groves and I presented a piece of music at ISMIR this year: he sang two Elvis Costello tunes, and I synthesized the backing music…
I went to ISMIR, and presented a paper about how DJs select and order tracks, which went pretty well. Ryan Groves and I also ‘performed’…
– Went to Tufts’ Computer Science Hackathon, as an Echo Nester. Built The Feminest, which tells you about the gender makeup of a band. The…
I survived Sound & Music Computer 2013! Quite literally: I got God’s own stomach bug, spent 18 hours in bed, and then flew / fasted…
I’m going to SMC! If you need me, I’ll be in Stockholm talking about mappings on iOS, and drinking fine Swedish aquavit. I also (finally)…
Nothing happened this week. But I’ve been reading, listening, and working: – What We Talk About When We Talk About Beethoven can now do basic chord…