turning off the faucet

As you may have seen on the internet, we’re shutting down Drip, as of March 18th. I’ll write more about things that I did and…

week 141

The more things change. – Audio feature extraction in JavaScript.  The JavaScript-only world continues to arrive. – Iffy branding aside, it looks like Serato Pyro…

week 140

New York City remains too too warm. – A video game character is modelling for Louis Vuitton.  Of course. – Pauline Oliveros has a Second…

week 139

– The complete works of Walter Benjamin are available as PDFs.  Here’s the big one – thanks to Sam Valenti for the tipoff. – James…

here come the sun

Happy solstice, team.  Oh, let’s go around one more time.

2015: shows of the year

Four Tet x Floating Points @ Sugar Hill Disco The best reasons to live in the UK came to NYC, played two shows, and I…

2015: tracks of the year

Tyler Drift – Style This (*ahem*) cover of Swift’s cultural carpet bomb devoured me for at least first half of the year. Psychemagick – This…

2015: albums of the year

Veeery strong year, here. Africa Express – In C Mali I wanted this album so badly I installed iTunes, bought it, and then uninstalled iTunes….

2015: sets of the year

Objekt – Live at Freerotation, 2014 So last year.  Whatever – this is as joyous and heavy and welcoming and brilliant a DJ set as…

2015: concerts of the year

FKA twigs presents Congregata Oh.  My.  God.  Impossible voice, amazing choreography, undeniable stage presence, mindboggling lights (yes, that’s a laser off a sequined top), show of…