sweaty weekend: parts 1 and 2

So we’ll start at the beginning: Chris Fortier at Lotus, on Friday night. Fortier is a really, really nice guy, and he played a really,…

various things

– Just bought The Field’s new album, FROM HERE WE GO SUBLIME, and it’s 1001 shades of lovely. – Also got Lusine’s remix collection, PODGELISIM….

video games & chaos theory

I work as a video game tester, and of late I’ve been struck by two related questions: 1:  Are modern, AAA video games examples of…

comics hate future

I’ve been reading NEXTWAVE, CASANOVA, BLACK SUMMER, THE LAST MAN, DESOLATION JONES, and FELL. I recommend them all to all of you.  I read too…

rebuild the design robots

Jay Robinson makes awesome art.

where we at

Some quick hits: I’ve got a half-release lined up for Perc Trax. The Primal release is now sometime between July and September. The two remixes…

lost another one

Very few people warrant use of the phrase “Rest In Peace”. I think that Kurt Vonnegut was one of them. He was 84, and was…

101 Free Games #7: SquareOff and Toribash

SquareOff may just be the best designed five-meg, head-to-head flash game ever.  You draw a square / rectangle, and it goes flying across towards your…

101 Free Games #6: Plus Or Minus and Cytoplasm

Cytoplasm is a scion of the amazing Experimental Gameplay Project at CMU (again with the CMU!). Although I love the project, this is not one…

keepon dancing

Marek Michalowski, one of the mad geniuses at CMU, has made a robot that dances, named Keepon.  This is both the cutest and most brilliant…