M.I.A. – Kala

This is some sick shit.  Yes.  I speak nothing but the truth to you, and if you have even the most cursory interest into popular…

Wolfe & Boulez & Levine

Finished THE BOOK OF THE NEW SUN a few nights ago. Wooosh. Gene Wolfe is a helluva writer, but certainly not an easy one. He’s…

non-specialist specialists

I ended up with an issue of MUSICWORKS after today’s composition seminar at Uvic, which featured Gayle Young and two astonishing, one-of-a kind instruments –…

interface of the day

Looptracks. Not quite Tron, but close.

interface of the day: 3d edition

*video here * Who’d of thought you could be serial with a Rubik’s Cube?  Answer:  Douglas Stanley.  There are so many other amazing things you…

on emily ridgeway

She’s the audio director for Irrational, did brilliant work on BioShock, and knows a lot – see this interview with MusicForGames, which is really good…

a duck in the face

Why hasn’t anyone made a multitrack editor for aniPod?  Or even a really limited version of Live?  What’s the CPU power on the little devils,…


– A blackboard that plays back musical notes as you write them on it, and notates them as you play them at it. – Genetic…

they ask me

They ask me, “Oh, what do you want to do with your degree?”  And I mumble answers about generative music and algorithmic composition and synaesthesia…

bioshock & voices from the lifestream

Finally, I’m in a position to give some authoritative feedback on Bioshock.  It’s fantastic.  It is not a perfect gaming experience, it certainly suffers from…