
The man with the smuggest looking press shots in Dance Music played at Lotus several weeks ago: I acci-went, and had a really, really good…

loyalty without paranoia

…Welcome to Russian (film) Minute! .THE RUSSIAN ARK is a 96 minute single-shot masterpiece. If you have only the slightest bit of interest in media…

the haps

Got terribly, terribly sick. Cool things continued to happen on the internet regardless. Conductor – ‘Conductor turns the New York subway system into an interactive…

reflector is online

Meet my camera, at my flickr page. This will be both a photoblog and a backup for all my photos on my computer; expect a…

news from the north

So here it is, on the record: I’m leaving for Europe for the summer on April 21st: flying to Amsterdam via London, to stay with…

news day

So many things are happening! – The Rock Band Creator’s Network is live. This will break more bands than god. – Emilie Simon is my…

pausing in a minor key

Things are starting to return to normal…where normal means a lot of schoolwork, as opposed to an impossible amount of schoolwork.  Some quick hits, then:…

phil and me

Phil Dick talks about reality, world-building, and epiphanies. I got some more music! Alex Rize – Beyond The Dome [Proton] Alex Rize – Beyond The…

at midnight….

…all the film directors and the hollywood crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. WATCHMEN is an overwhelming and…

‘sonata sonata! ‘sa rondo!

I’m delighted to report that the mad scientists over at OverClocked got the call to do the official soundtrack for the HD Remix of Super…