I know, I don’t often talk about ‘songs’. Another sign that I’m getting old. With that said, these three tunes helped keep me sane, all…
And this year I barely DJ’d at all; so it goes. With that said, there were some tunes kicking around that stood right out. Locussolus…
Four Tet – Pink This isn’t really an album so much as it is a collection of singles…but when the singles are this earth-flying-through-outer-space good,…
I want to write a bit more about Dream|City, a project that I did with the most munificent of collaborators, Mr. Connor Ashton. If you’ve…
Dream|City is done. 15 minutes of music from me, 15 from Connor Ashton, with a custom visualizer. All the music was cut from field recordings:…
Still writing grants. Trying to avoid phrases like “My research will heal the sick and save the unbelievers” and “in accordance with the prophecy”. This…
I basically worked on a damn grant application for the entire week. But, with that said: – I finished the second movement of DREAM|CITY. This…
– At the recommendation of the all-knowing, all-seeing Christopher Butterfield, I got a copy of James Gleick’s THE INFORMATION, which I promptly devoured. The more…
– You may have heard of this thing we did called Get Excited And Make Techno: we’re finished doing it, now. It was rad. Seven…
Get Excited & Make Techno presents a our free, 7-track EP, a product of a summer’s worth of workshops and beatsmithing: – BandCamp – SoundCloud…