the hush top 50

The secret project I’ve been working since January is ready! Meet the Hush Top 50. Since you asked, it’s a compilation of the fifty tracks…

news from the north

So here it is, on the record: I’m leaving for Europe for the summer on April 21st: flying to Amsterdam via London, to stay with…

communication, 2009

I was having a talk with a friend about new laptops / phones, and that led to me thinking about how I communicate with people,…

reading break thoughts

Five minutes to breath before starting on class design.  Please allow me a moment to say that I cannot wait until next term. Moving on,…

some things in the way

That need mentioning, as a way of restoring my internet-self to life: NODAL:  A generative composition system, now available for PC. And Yet It Moves:…

at midnight….

…all the film directors and the hollywood crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. WATCHMEN is an overwhelming and…

attn: america

Don’t fuck this one up now.  Your election is tomorrow, and I’m calling it at +6 for Obama and 328 to 212 in the Electoral…

math gets all over your face

Math is a problem.  In fact, math is several problems, or many problems, or a multitude of problems, depending on who you ask.  Having survived…

Mixtape update / 1001 nights

An update to All My Friends!  If you want to submit music for the mixtape, you have until Monday.  Click here for all the details….

the other side

I’m online in Vancouver, for the record.  I finished two quick & dirty minisets in my time offline, however: Download here. 1: Tigerskin – The…