tdpl17: various artists – bootleg ep 2

1: Boards Of Canada – Pete Standing Alone (Blake Jarrell’s Cta Greenline Retouch) 2: Bent – The Waters Deep (AFK’s Cascadia Subduction remix) 3: Libra…

fade remixes released!

I am all kinds of delighted to tell you that the remixes of ‘Despegue’ that I did for Fade have been released! You can get…

mp3s are for lovers

I just tried an interesting visual experiment: load a WAV of a file and an MP3 of a file into Soundforge or Peak or any…

swamp thing: the alan moore project part 1

You can read the rational behind this project here. You can hear the current version of the tune here.

balance seeking

40. How Can You Tell – The Dreamer From The Dream (Original Mix. Betamax Warriors Remix.) (Canada) Tide Pool My aforementioned release has made it…

tdpl15: how can you tell – the dreamer from the dream

My new release on Tide Pool is out today:  click here for the details.   It’s pretty and sad and goes “click” a lot.

the alan moore project

So my somewhat mad friend Dave sent me a metric fuck-ton of poetry, written and read by legendary author Alan Moore. Now, Mr. Moore has…

known things

So I’m both shocked and pleased to report that I just faxed off a contract that signs four of my songs to Precinct / Primal…

the flowers preach / turn at twilight

I am getting more music released! ‘The Flowers Preach’, which came out on a:Loud yesterday, is a scarybreaks-like-Habersham tune. You can buy the mp3 from…


if you’ll pardon a moment of senseless fanboy action: James Holden played one of my records for Tide Pool, ‘Save vs. Wands’, in his set…