week 5
It’s that point in “the term” when things start getting done. Which makes me deeply happy.
– I got data for my timbre analysis paper for ISMIR, thanks to George Tzanetakis and his shockingly powerful 8 core desktop Mac. Results are pretty good, so far.
– I confirmed lyrics and sketched out rhythms for the third movement of TORNADO SONGS. It’s called “The Soldier With The Green Whiskers”, and is silly.
– I bought music! Margot’s new tune, Alt, is rad, as is Carl Craig remixing…Friendly Fires, of all people.
– Pair is an app for long-distance relationships. Despite the tragic term “thumbkiss”, the idea of having an app for your significant other is a serious one.
– Boston Dynamics do not fuck around, in terms of robots.
– I have a crush on Bret Victor. In addition to wanting to fundamentally change how we interact with everything, he helped prototype the iPad. A serious dude.
– Taylor Holmwood and I sat down for 3 hours and got audio / video for CIRCLES, which I edited together last night. I need to print the poster and the project is done, thank heaven.
– Charles Stross’s comments on the Girls Around Me app are well worth reading…and are part of the reason why I’m going to be turning my Facebook account off again pretty soon.