I discovered, in March, that my music collection has a problem. It’s this: No, not the Swedish House Mafia per say – although I have…
….when we talk about beethoven: I finished a piece about Beethoven! You should try it out. Find someone with Opinions about the Seventh Symphony, and…
I survived Sound & Music Computer 2013! Quite literally: I got God’s own stomach bug, spent 18 hours in bed, and then flew / fasted…
I’m going to SMC! If you need me, I’ll be in Stockholm talking about mappings on iOS, and drinking fine Swedish aquavit. I also (finally)…
It is one of the great cliches of DJing that the best of the best “take you on a journey”, and “tell you a story”,…
Nothing happened this week. But I’ve been reading, listening, and working: – What We Talk About When We Talk About Beethoven can now do basic chord…
– I wrote a bunch about nightclub layout back in January. Last week, I went back to Zuzu, in Boston…and found that things had changed….
If you need me in November, I’ll be in Brasil, talking or postering about the importance of timbre in selecting and ordering tracks in DJ…
– I went to HAMR – many thanks to Colin, Brian, Daewen, and Dan for having us all. I started trying to do research into…
I need to send some serious props to the students and performers at NEC’s tragically named “Sick Puppy” (http://www.sicpp.org/) summer new music week. Despite the…