passing tones

I am DJing at the Sunset Room on Saturday, April 19th, from 0100 to 0230 – the party is called THE COUNTDOWN, and will also…

oh god here it comes

School just happened to me. Owch. So: This is a concept guitar, by a man named Amit Zoran. Essentially, it provides a different resonating chamber…

geek your way to love

First things first: Come and see me opening for Shiloh at Hush, tomorrow. They’re fantastic, I’m fantastic. Simple. Now then: Networked Music Review has a…

begin again

School started today. Oddly enough, the worst part was getting used to a new math prof. Speed, then, is the order of the day: –…

notation hate future

I would like to invite each and every one of you to the UVic Music 105 concert on December 6th.   It is at 4:30…

future past, future future

Firstly:  This Thursday, Hush, mad techno and dance music.  Come.  Yes. Secondly:  The Laptop Club is, amazingly, a collection of 7 to 9 year old…

you played it for him, you can play it for me

Play it! Radio Free Sasha – Dead Reckoner [Bootleg] Fairmont – Fade To Saturate [Border Community] Spooky – Stereo [Generic] Mendel – Out Of The…

freqshow fantastic

I’d just like to thank the lovely people of Techno Empire, along with Gillsans, Mux, and Longwalkshortdock, for a great night last night.  Bonus respect…

new set, halloween gig

The set I made for Radioactivity is up for download now.  It’s called Deathmark, and I’m really pleased with it – lots of lush &…

all the news

To recap:  I’m on Proton Radio this friday, at 6:00 PM Pacific Time, with the mighty Perc. I am also playing at the Sunset Room…