clubbing clubbing

I’ve had this my mind for a while: I spend / used to spend a lot of time in nightclubs. Some of those clubs are…

dreaming cities

I want to write a bit more about Dream|City, a project that I did with the most munificent of collaborators, Mr. Connor Ashton. If you’ve…


Dream|City is done. 15 minutes of music from me, 15 from Connor Ashton, with a custom visualizer. All the music was cut from field recordings:…

week 34

– Busy times. – I saw Richie Hawtin and Locodice at SAT last Monday. Locodice was terrible – the most generic, white-noise “tech-house” you can…

week 32

– Nothing like powers of two. – The music for DREAM|CITY is done. I need to master the file, fix the load times on the…

week 29

– I forgot that I went to see Roman Flugel at the rapidly-becoming-essential Le Bleury a few sundays ago. He started with some stuff that…

week 28

Still writing grants. Trying to avoid phrases like “My research will heal the sick and save the unbelievers” and “in accordance with the prophecy”. This…

week 27

I basically worked on a damn grant application for the entire week. But, with that said: – I finished the second movement of DREAM|CITY. This…

week 26

– Not only have the good people at SubDivison made a new website, not only have their Rifflandia parties been amazing, their latest podcast is…

week 25

Moving is a party, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I am officially changing my master’s research to teleportation and soundproofing. In other, more…