all my friends like to dance!

(cross-post from my email…) “Hello!  I’m looking for a quick bit of help with a music project… Last year, I did a mixtape with music…

turing fail

Download here.   1: Alex Rize – Beyond The Dome (Habersham Remix) [Proton] 2: AMB – Pellet (Anomalies Remix) [Chi] 3: Chris Carter & Fine…

phil and me

Phil Dick talks about reality, world-building, and epiphanies. I got some more music! Alex Rize – Beyond The Dome [Proton] Alex Rize – Beyond The…

so tired of repeating myself

I went to see the very tall and very talented Appleblim last night – yes, on a Monday.  Ooof.  Today was tiring, to say the…

the hobgoblin of little minds

Working a regular job makes me seethe and rage for the time to keep up with my own projects.  So, here are two more links…

from the pick up

I recorded a new set!  It sounds like acid: Download here. 1: Sleezy D – I’ve Lost Control [Trax] 2: Phuture – Phuture Jacks [Trax]…

oh, the huge manatee

I’ve been fighting with this really finicky acid house mix, so what do I do when I finally have time to DJ?  I put Ligeti…

oh right, music

Marshall Jefferson – Mushrooms (Justin Martin Remix) [Troni Soundz] Blu Mar Ten – If I Could Tell You [Blu Mar Ten] Steve Porter – Rizer…

fractal – oceanography

…is out now, on Pacific Front.  You can buy it here and hear a longer clip of it here.  Remixes come from Rennie Foster, AFK,…

fractal – xanadu

No idea when I found time to post this, and maybe that shows, but here it is:     Download here.  Some neat things happen.  There’s…