– This has been coming: a Spotify / streaming based DJ app. ‘Oh shit’ is not too strong a word. – Tim Knowles makes trees…
– Went to see my pal Erin Gee talk at Objet Sonore. If you don’t know Erin, she does amazing things, and is well worth…
Welcome back to Montreal – it is catch up time here. – Mixes from legendary NYC nightspots. – 60 Minutes on Studio 54. – Art…
Hannah Read & Charlie Van Kirk – Kids This is a sucker punch: one of my favorite voices, one of my favorite producers / good…
Rustie, Jackmaster, Oneman @ Le Belmont Hot damn. This was sonically colossal, had a perfectly diverse / messy crowd, and featured two smooth-as-silk DJ sets…
Holden – The Inheritors Astonishing. Julianna Barwick – Nepenthe Some wags at work called this ‘slowed-down Enya’ – which is basically true, but in all…
DJ HENNESSY YOUNGMAN – NSA BANGERS Clearly the mix of the year. Fuck the NSA, long live Hennessey James Holden – RA 367 A…
– My last day of my internship at The Echo Nest was today. I will miss them. – The good people at This Is My…
At work, we listen to a lot of music from the internet: either a paid streaming service, or YouTube. At home, I listen to lots…
I finished a mixtape about love, for a friend’s wedding. It is in fact the Mixtape About Love, the canonical, best one, for all time… at…