And yes, I am aware than an anemone is not, in fact, a fish. With that proviso accounted for, this is the first of hopefully…
My first live cd-length set in ages was also an attempt at a really dancey demo, and a try at doing a live four or…
This was a posted hour-long set for Pacific Front Sessions on Proton Radio. Any excuse you can get to put Beatles and Sigur Ros…
My first foray into the realm of posted sets, and certainly I really dig it for the flow and the number of moods, and the…
An easy award winner for ‘Worst Cover Art’ (and certainly worst typography). This was originally done in 2004 as a demo for friday nights at…
Nyuck nyuck. Another 2003-2004 era set: This one is pure, unadulterated silly dance music, complete with a ridiculous fore-spin (is that even a word?) and…
An old, superdeep set here (2003?), but still one of my favorites. Art was lifted from a piece by the incomparable John Avon.